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About Us

We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive.

But around the globe, persistent poverty, repression, and injustice prevent too many people from achieving their full potential.

To address these problems, we focus on people, not on vaccines, roads, or wells. We support individuals and institutions to create change in their own communities—and to create person-to-person bridges between nations.

We are doers. Our decades of on-the-ground experience help us create greater impact, practical recommendations, and lasting partnerships.

IREX works with partners in more than 100 countries in four areas essential to progress: empowering youth, cultivating leaders, strengthening institutions, and extending access to quality education and information.

Our strategy

IREX embraces a people-focused approach to development that invests in human potential and the conditions that help people thrive. Read the IREX 2020 Strategic Plan »

We work with partners around the world to promote more just, prosperous, and inclusive societies in four areas essential to progress:

To create a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world, we engage and empower youth, cultivate leaders at all levels of society, strengthen education, civic and governing institutions, and extend access to quality education and information

Extending access to quality education and information

3.3 million people accessed information through community centers that IREX supported last year60,000 students will learn from teachers that IREX trained last year.

We believe educated, informed citizens contribute to broad-based prosperity and lively civic engagement while holding those in power accountable. We work with partners around the world to increase people’s ability to engage with vibrant information, strengthen independent media, and broaden access to quality education.

Empowering youth

22,407 young people gained skills through initiatives that IREX led last year.

We invest in youth by promoting quality education, professional development, civic engagement, and job skills. We focus especially on supporting underrepresented young women and men as they become community leaders and active, informed citizens.

Cultivating leaders

26,890 leaders sharpened their leadership skills through IREX fellowships and trainings last year

We cultivate leaders who strive to better themselves and more effectively serve others. We enhance their leadership skills through experiences and connections that strengthen the expertise and networks they need to make a difference in their communities.

Strengthening institutions

3,493 institutions were better able to serve their constituents with support from IREX last year

We help institutions at every level of society become more effective, accountable, and responsive to the diverse populations they benefit. We partner with educational, media, government, business, and civil society organizations that want to excel as they serve others.

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