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Sirdar 382 views

Something About Company

‘Sirdar’ is the name given to the lead Sherpa on a mountain expedition. Where others view a high mountain as a great challenge or an insurmountable obstacle, the sirdar sees it as a clear path of opportunity. The sirdar builds the right team, chooses the correct route and knows when to go for the summit.

Leading educator, appointer and guide of high-performance boards for privately-held and family companies.

We walk with companies on their journey to success through ensuring businesses receive the benefits of having a high-performance board.

The first step in creating sustainable businesses is sharing the importance of the role of a board in a business. We drive awareness about boards and in-depth and practical education surrounding their importance and how they function.

The second step is appointing a high-performance board. Through understanding an individual’s commercial astuteness, to testing their natural energy and ensuring their governance knowledge, we make sure the right people are appointed to the team.

And the third value-adding step is guiding the board on its journey of success and growth.

To complete the picture, Sirdar Group’s unique methodology to create and sustain high-performance boards blends best practice thinking, holistic governance models, the practical application of governance principles, the provision and performance management of independent non-executive directors and a team to guide the board.

Our Promise is Meaningful Economic Impact

This serves as the promise against which we measure our behaviour and decisions. It is underpinned by the understanding that effective boards grow companies. These companies become more sustainable with less risk and better returns. Stronger companies support a stronger economy. Stronger economies can do more for their people.

When the economy is flourishing and there is measurable, reliable growth, quality of life has the opportunity to improve on a national scale. It makes both the lives of the people, and the world, a better and more meaningful place.

Living a good and purposeful life is a universal desire. When we assist in establishing effective boards, our impact is not only on the business we guide but also on the economy and the lives of people.

Effective boards grow companies. These companies become more sustainable with less risk and better returns. Stronger companies support a stronger economy. Stronger economies can do more for their people.

When the economy is flourishing and there is measurable, reliable growth, quality of life has the opportunity to improve on a national scale. It makes both the lives of the people, and the world, a better and meaningful place.

Through our promise we also support shareholder-managers to envision a bigger reason for being in business, or to reconnect with their original reason for starting the enterprise. We enable them to deliver on that promise and make a direct and positive impact on the community and all of the company’s stakeholders in doing so.

A Step Ahead

The attribute that all successful adventurers have in common is forethought. If you could stumble across your goal with no effort, then it would not be something to aspire to achieve. Climbing a mountain is about knowing where you are going, having a plan and being able to lead. Being one step ahead is essential for Sirdar Group as we promise to provide leadership into high-performance boards. We think forward and extrapolate for what the future might hold, we find new routes and come up with new ideas. Practically, it is about being internationally aware, professionally trained, wise with experience and consistent in improving our processes that demonstrate that we are the leader in this field.

Honour Our Promises

Scaling a mountain requires a community of trust. We expect others to use maximum care, skill and diligence on the climb. Part of expecting reliability from others, and being reliable ourselves, is honouring our promises. To honour our promises we always need to carefully consider what it is that we are promising so that we know we can deliver on it. Then, whether it is to a colleague, a client, a stakeholder, a shareholder or the community, we do what we committed to do and hold ourselves accountable. Succeeding on an expedition requires team members and clients knowing that they can rely on our word.

Climb Together

There is great power in climbing a mountain as a team – indeed successful climbers never reach a summit alone. Sirdar Group is people-centric. While business processes, methodologies and systems are important, recognising and understanding the desires, needs and emotions of colleagues, clients and stakeholders is central to our journey. Never forget that as a team, it is our people that make it happen. As the altitude increases, more is required from us all. Therefore we focus on amplifying the strengths and balancing out the weaknesses of each other. For all of our benefit this includes holding people accountable for their individual contribution. Ultimately our success is a reflection of our ability to work as a team and climb together.

Impactful Growth

Impactful growth is measurable – it must add tangible value and have a positive influence on the lives of the people it touches. To achieve truly impactful growth requires strong insight and continuous re-assessment. For Sirdar Group affecting impactful growth is often about examining what is already there and uncovering the growth potential of the individuals, boards and companies that we work with. Similarly a Sirdar does not carry the climbers. They work to develop the skills and abilities that will allow the climbers to scale the mountain themselves. By achieving previously unachievable goals, impactful growth becomes tangible for our clients’ companies and the economies in which we operate. In order to do this, our team has a quest for personal and professional growth.

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