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What People Say About Us!
Career planning was great delivered with great customer service and I am likely to recommend Ricasi Consultancy Limited to a friend or colleague.
The services were well thought out and the company was quick to reply and address any pending issues.
The sales process is professional but need to create trust with the client atleast, nowadays there is alot of fake people. This only allows you to work well and achieve by getting referrals
The customer service was good and sales process ok. I am likely to recommend Ricasi Consultancy to a friend or colleague.
The customer service was top notch and I would highly recommend them to a friend or colleague.
Sales process was seamless and efficient, the product offering was great and customer experience was excellent. Am highly likely to recommend Ricasi Consultancy Limited to friend or colleague.
The sales person did an excellent job in introducing the organization and its services. I liked the fact that he did not put me under pressure to make an immediate decision but instead even gave me an allowance of about a week to think about it since I was a bit reluctant about the whole idea. He kept his word on the times he promised to give me a call to make a follow up. The calls and even conversations were very professional, timely and clearly the sales person was very knowledgeable of HR matters. This is what persuaded me most to settle on purchasing your services.
I liked the CV and cover letter build up, the explanations given to me about the new format and why some sections (from my old CVs) had been left out. This gave my new CV a whole new look and it looks very professional. I can only hope that it will bridge the gap to where I hope to be(professionally) in my career life. But definitely I was very satisfied with the transformation.
Polite, patient, professional,courteous, truthful and prompt are the best words I can use to describe your staff on customer service.
I would highly likely recommend them to a friend or colleague!
The sales process was smooth and the CV was professionally written. Customer service was hands on which felt engaging! Am highly likely to recommend to my friends.
The sales process was great…! I loved the changes made om my CV. Your team was very helpful and prompt in their service. I am extremely grateful ..! I would highly recommend your service.
Sales process was smooth and customer service was excellent. I’ve already recommended your service!
The sales process was professional and customer service was hands on and felt engaging. I would highly recommend Ricasi Consultancy Limited to a friend or colleague.